Outgoing Resident Council Chair Reflects on Past Year’s Achievements

August 24, 2023

A year ago, Evi Abada, MD, began her term as chair of the ASCP Resident Council with a goal to make ASCP resident members more aware of the resources that the Society has available for them. The council launched a Roundtable Series for residents which not only became a success, but inspired ASCP’s other councils to launch their own roundtable programs. 

“We launched the roundtable initiative to develop a stronger connection to pathology residents and to provide them resources, from preparing for the board exams to applying for their first jobs,” she says.

So far, two roundtables have been held, and more than 100 participants attended the last event. A third roundtable will be held in October.  

In addition, the council has been working to strengthen up the Pathology Ambassador’s Program, especially by encouraging participants to keep a written record of their activities. “We set a goal for 50 reports of outreach, and we had more than 100. That is amazing,” says Dr. Abada, adding, “It was a good feeling to read through the reports to see what these volunteers are doing.”  

The Resident Council also held its first orientation session for Pathology Ambassadors over the past year. The session provided resources and information about what it means to be an ambassador. The Resident Council plans to co-host a social event with the Council of Laboratory Professionals (CLP) at the ASCP 2023 Annual Meeting to share some of its orientation best practices for the Ambassador program with the CLP.

Dr. Abada says the greatest pleasure serving as Resident Council chair over the past year has been the opportunity to meet with a diverse group of members from all parts of the country and from a variety of pathology residency programs, and to provide a forum for many different voices to be heard.