With more than 120 sessions covering anatomic and clinical pathology, laboratory medicine, laboratory management and more, ASCP 2023’s education program is poised to teach you essentials skills and knowledge applicable to your job and to help boost your career to the next level.
Day 1
• A Practical Approach to Problematic Thoracic Pathology Cases, led by Jeffrey Myers, MD, FASCP, Kristine Konopka, MD, and Tao Huang, BM, PhD, FASCP
• Molecularly-defined Renal Cell Carcinoma and its Differential Diagnosis (a VMT session), presented by Sean Williamson, MD, FASCP, and Mahmut Akgul, MD.
Day 2
• Diagnostic Challenges in Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Ulcers: Histopathological Approach for Approriate Diagnosis in Biopsy Specimens, by Yue Xue, MD, PhD, and Yang Guang-Yu, MD, PhD
• A Simple and Practical Diagnostic Approach to Froze Sections from the Liver, presented by Vishal Chandan, MD, and Sejal Shah, MD
Day 3
• Videomicroscopy Tutorial (VMT) Dealine with Difficult Diagnostic Specimens from Patients with Testicular Neoplasms, by Thomas Ulbright, MD
Also new are two pre-meeting workshops on Oct. 17, with topics in gastrointestinal pathology and the growing role of AI in the laboratory. (Extra registration is required.) In addition, the 14-session Rapid Review Series will offer a rapid-fire review of foundational knowledge for attendees at any stage in their careers.
ASCP 2023’s full education program provides actionable learning that you can employ on the job and leverage to enhance your career. Interactive session formats and a world-class lineup of speakers will leave you inspired, energized, and well-equipped with a strong set of new tools and knowledge. Discover more about ASCP 2023 by clicking