Specialized education tracks for laboratory professionals and pathologists taught by renowned leaders; video microscopy tutorials on complex cases; CME and CMLE credits; and more!
These are some of the many reasons why you should attend the ASCP 2023 Annual Meeting, Oct. 18-20, in Long Beach, California. Whether you are a laboratory professional, pathologist, pathology resident or fellow, you will find an education path designed just for you at ASCP 2023.
Highlights of this year’s meeting will include a dedicated track for laboratory professionals, developed by laboratory professionals. Begun several years ago, this ever popular track includes a laboratory professional session in each time slot during the Annual Meeting. Renowned laboratory professional leaders will present all of the sessions, which are focused on the following four areas: Chemistry, Hematology / Coagulation, Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine, and Microbiology. In addition, there will be a laboratory management and administration track.
This year, a number of pathology tracks have also been developed, making it easier for pathologists to focus in on their area of practice. New tracks include Surgical Pathology, Hematopathology, Clinical Pathology, and Cytopathology.
Also for pathologists are video microscopy tutorials, back by popular demand. Topics will include Molecularly Defined Renal Cell Carcinoma and its Differential Diagnosis; Large Gland Lesions of the Prostate; and Dealing with Difficult Diagnostic Specimens from Patients with Testicular Neoplasms.
In addition, there will be two new workshops offered for laboratory professionals and pathologists the day before the start of the Annual Meeting. There will be two concurrent, four-hour sessions, one focusing on GI pathology and the other focusing on technology trends in the laboratory.
The “Birds of a Feather” roundtables were a big hit at last year’s Annual Meeting and will return again this year. Attendees do not need to register for these; they can just show up and engage with their peers who are in similar fields, to talk about top-of-mind topics in a lively and informal setting.
This year’s education program is being developed with ASCP members’ input. When ASCP sent out a call for topic proposals earlier this year, nearly 300 responses were received, with many suggestions being integrated into the meeting.
Over the past few years, the topic of wellness has become a concern of all healthcare providers, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when hospital staff worked around the clock to care for patients. That concern continues, especially as many have retired or leaving the profession because of burn out. In addition to sessions that focus on wellness, there will be a number of interactive activities built into this year’s meeting to help attendees de-stress, re-charge, and have fun!! And the ultimate in wellness activities – you’ll have Long Beach by the ocean so close by! So bring the family and make ASCP 2023 a destination trip you’ll never forget!
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