ASCP Issues Statement on CLIAC Personnel and Non-Traditional Testing Requirements
The future of laboratory medicine, especially testing in non-traditional sites, is the focus of a virtual meeting this week of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC), hosted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ASCP and the ASCP BOC are urging all testing personnel must be adequately trained to perform high complexity tests and procedures. Read
Medical Laboratory Profession Needs All Hands On Deck Approach to Build Future Workforce
Innovative solutions to build the medical laboratory workforce are emerging, and that may help mitigate the shortage of workers that hospitals and laboratories are experiencing. A recent article in Critical Values explores how hospitals are helping individuals with degrees in the sciences, but no specific training in the medical or public health laboratory, become competent laboratory professionals. Read
Nominate Your Laboratory Team to be an ASCP Choosing Wisely Champion! Apply by April 30
ASCP’s Choosing Wisely Champions program is seeking to recognize successful laboratory related initiatives by pathologists, laboratory professionals, individual clinicians, and clinical teams for their commitment to the ABIM Foundation’s Choosing Wisely Campaign. The ASCP will select three Champions to present at the ASCP 2022 Annual Meeting, Sept. 7-9, in Chicago, IL. Read
New ASCP Workforce Steering Committee to Develop Strategy to Expand Career Pathways in Pathology and Medical Laboratory
Encouraging expansion of pathways into careers in the medical laboratory is the focus of the newly-established ASCP Workforce Steering Committee, which will report to the Society’s Commission on Science, Technology, and Public Policy (CSTP). Read
Healthcare Provider Protection Act Becomes Law
President Joe Biden has signed into law the Healthcare Provider Protection Act which establishes grants and requires other activities to improve mental and behavioral health among health care providers. Read
Louisiana Legislature Considers Anti-Licensure Bill
ASCP and the ASCP Board of Certification recently opposed legislation under consideration in the Louisiana House of Representatives that would undermine the state’s laboratory personnel licensure law. Read
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ASCP ePolicy News is supported by an unrestricted grant from Hologic.