ASCP Board of Certification BOG Adopts “Cytologist” as New Certification Moniker
The ASCP Board of Certification’s Board of Governors voted to approve “Cytologist” as the new credentialing name for the cytotechnologist certification and “Specialist in Cytology” for the specialist in cytotechnology certification. The new designations are intended to standardize naming conventions for these certifications to remove technologist or technology from the name. Read
ASCP, Joint Commission Announce Leading Laboratories Program
ASCP and The Joint Commission announced their collaboration in launching Leading Laboratories, a unique designation that supports a patient-centric mission and increases visibility of the laboratory and their role in patient care. The Leading Laboratories Recognition Program will also provide a model and roadmap to help laboratories on their journey to achieve this designation. Read
CMS Announces Nov. 10 Webinar on Medicare CLFS Data Collection, Reporting Requirement
On November 10, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will be providing a webinar on the upcoming 2022 Private Payor Data Collection and Reporting cycle for the Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule. Read
CMS Releases Medicare PFS Final Rule, CMS Reweights MIPS Categories
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule for CY 2022, which outlines its payment and policy changes for CY 2022. CMS also finalized a new ASCP-supported improvement activity in support of the implementation of a laboratory preparedness plan to target current and future public health emergencies. Read
ASCP Joins with AMA for EFT Advocacy
ASCP joined with the AMA and other medical societies to raise concern to CMS about unfair business practices by health plans related to electronic payments for health care services. ASCP is seeking guidance from the agency that affirms physicians’ right to choose and receive basic EFT payments without paying percentage-based fees. Read
OSHA Releases COVID Vaccine Mandate Rule
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has released a final rule to implement the vaccination mandate sought by the White House. Under the new rule, employees who are not vaccinated will be required to undergo weekly testing and wear a face mask while on the job. Read
USPSTF Examining Cervical Screening Again
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has released a draft research plan for cervical cancer screening, which is open for
public comment until November 24. Read
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ASCP ePolicy News is supported by an unrestricted grant from Hologic.