Meaningful Pathologist Inclusion in APMs Urged by ASCP
ASCP joined the AMA and other medical specialties in recommending improvements to the design and implementation of APMs by CMS, and encouraged them to consider a more coordinated, stakeholder-drive process. Read
ASCP Applauds CDC for Variant Identification Efforts
ASCP thanked the CDC for its leadership in identifying and tracking coronavirus variants, praising in particular its Advanced Molecular Detection program. Read
ASCP Joins Coalition Opposing Patenting of Human Genes
ASCP joined with a coalition of medical societies, patient advocacy organizations, and others in opposition to legislation that would “reverse established Supreme Court precedent and expand patent-eligible subject matter to encompass abstract ideas, laws of nature, or natural phenomena.” ASCP, along with the Association for Molecular Pathology and others aims to bar the patenting of genes. Read
Congress Confirms New OSTP Director
Eric Lander, PhD, was confirmed as the new Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), by the U.S. Senate on May 28. He is the first OSTP Director to serve on the President’s Cabinet. ASCP worked closely with the OSTP to develop the Partners in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Program, and wrote Dr. Lander to offer its congratulations. Read
ASCP Expertise Supports Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) Guideline Update
ASCP, API, and CAP collaborated to update the guideline, “Validating Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) for Diagnostic Purposes in Pathology.” The updated WSI guideline confirms more of the original recommendations, with additions including expanding the open comment period audience for intake of vital practice concerns, among others. Read
Tennessee Rolls Back Laboratory Personnel Licensure
ASCP launched several grassroots campaigns against a Tennessee bill addressing the state’s laboratory personnel licensure law, and encouraged legislative leaders to oppose the measure. The measure exempts so-called “private labs” (hospital and independent labs) from the need to hire licensed (and certified) laboratory personnel. Read
CMS Now Covers Blood-Based Biomarker Screening for Colorectal Cancer
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are extending coverage for blood-based biomarker tests due to their potential as a non-invasive option for the early detection of CRC. Read
Colorado Makes Doxxing Health Workers Illegal
ASCP supports Colorado’s efforts to prevent frontline worker harassment with new legislation making it illegal to share personal information about public health workers. Read
For more information regarding ASCP's advocacy initiatives and policy positions, please contact ASCP's Center for Public Policy at (202) 408-1110.

ASCP ePolicy News is supported by an unrestricted grant from Hologic.