ASCP 2019: Creating and Sustaining a Leading Laboratory

July 03, 2019

By Lynnette G. Chakkaphak, MS, MT(ASCP), Diana L. Kremitske, MHA, MS, MT(ASCP), Barbara S. Caldwell, MS, MASCP, MLS(ASCP)SH

To be competitive in today’s healthcare environment, laboratories need strong leadership and a supportive culture that invests in professional development and quality outcomes. ASCP has tapped the three of us, as seasoned laboratory administrators, to lead a session at the ASCP 2019 Annual Meeting where we will share our insights on how you can develop a “leading laboratory” at your healthcare organization to drive peak performance.

The changing healthcare climate is the big umbrella that is forcing us to move in directions faster than we did in the past. Our goal, in this session, is to discuss what we think creates and sustains a really great laboratory. The four necessary components are Quality Outcomes, Professional Development, Trusted Leadership and Laboratory Visibility.

Quality Outcomes—We’ll discuss how we engage our teams in quality programs. It’s important that we’re all working together toward common goals that aim to improve patient outcomes. The training, quality plans, improvement methodologies, metrics and measures are part of continual process improvement. In order to counteract the demands of a “changing environment” in the quality realm, there needs to be a concerted focus on laboratory stewardship and test utilization to keep the laboratory front and center and relevant in helping to solve healthcare’s challenges.

Professional Development—This is something we feel very strongly about. How do you support your team members so that they can develop their skills to stay on the cutting edge? How do we customize their continuing education? What are their performance goals? How do we continually enhance leadership skills? Today’s laboratory setting is a very fast-paced and high-stress environment. It’s important that we develop a work culture that engages all of our team members and emphasizes wellness of our employees.

Trusted Leadership—Laboratories demonstrate their commitment to trusted leadership by articulating a clear mission in support of patient care, effectively managing resources, engaging personnel, colleagues and patients through two-way communication. The culture in each laboratory is what guides decision-making, and what’s important is to have team member engagement. More heads are better than one when you’re trying to empower your front line staff to make effective, appropriate decisions. We’ll discuss how to communicate with staff as well as with other departments.

Laboratory Visibility—We felt visibility is essential in that we need to get the rest of the healthcare team to see the value of the laboratory for its expertise and insight. In addition, the laboratory should not just be visible in the hospital but also in the broader community. We’ll discuss how laboratory-related community service should be a priority.

We hope, and truly believe, that this session will resonate with your entire medical laboratory team! See you at ASCP 2019!  Learn more about education sessions at ASCP 2019 Annual Meeting here.

Lynnette G. Chakkaphak, MS, MT(ASCP), Diana L. Kremitske, MHA, MS, MT(ASCP), and Barbara S. Caldwell, MS, MASCP, MLS(ASCP)SH, will lead the session titled,"Creating and Sustaining a Leading Laboratory," on Friday, September 13, at ASCP 2019, in Phoenix. Ms. Chakkaphak is System Director of Laboratory and Imaging at St. Vincent Healthcare, Jacksonville, FL. Ms. Kremitske is Vice President of the Diagnostic Medicine Institute at Geisinger in Danville, PA. Ms. Caldwell is a retired Administrative Director of Clinical Laboratory Services and a Medical Laboratory Consultant, Mount Airy, MD.