ASCP 2019: Quality is Free, Not a Gift, But Free

May 13, 2019

By Donna Castellone, MS, MASCP, MT(ASCP)SH

Every time that work is redone, the cost of laboratory services increase. Therefore, the cost of quality increases. There are several procedures that can be implemented to help ensure a robust quality system that finds problems, gets to the source, and fixes them at the root cause.                      

In my ASCP 2019 session, “How to Conduct an Audit, Root Cause Analysis and Competency Assessment. We Are Still Learning,” we will identify and evaluate errors, incidents, and other problems that may interfere with patient care services. The laboratory can no longer say, “I can’t control that!” A mechanism to capture internal and external sources, such as complaints, including mistakes and near misses, must be in place. Understanding how to conduct a meaningful audit and root-cause analysis will help to minimize those gaps in quality and move beyond band-aiding situations.

The only thing worse than losing a trained competent employee is keeping one who isn’t! After all of the efforts that laboratories put into this effort, the number one deficiency in CAP inspections is still competency assessment. So, what are we doing wrong? In my session, you will learn tips on how to manage this correctly and standardize this task in your laboratory, including the difference between competency and training, who can competency assess, and when it should be done.

Bring your ideas, your questions and your dilemmas! See you there!

Learn more about education sessions at ASCP 2019 Annual Meeting here

Donna Castellone, MS, MASCP, MT(ASCP)SH, is a quality assurance manager of specialty testing and supervisor of special coagulation and hematology at New York Presbyterian-Columbia University Medical Center, New York. She will present the session, How to Conduct an Audit, Root Cause Analysis and Competency Assessment. We Are Still Learning, on Thursday, September 12, at the ASCP 2019 Annual Meeting in Phoenix.