Help Advance Research About Color Blindness in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

April 18, 2019

Eight percent of men and one percent of women are color blind. There is very little data regarding adaptations of microscopists to color blindness. Investigators at Mayo Clinic Rochester are conducting an anonymous survey of practicing microscopists designed to understand perceived advantages and disadvantages of color blindness in pathology. There are eleven questions in the survey, and it should take less than five minutes to complete. Participation in the survey is voluntary.  Taking the survey indicates your consent to participate. The survey is anonymous; however, participants can provide contact information if they are willing to be contacted about future studies on color blindness.  Providing contact information does not assume participation or consent to participate in future studies.  This survey has Mayo Clinic IRB approval, IRB# 18-009501.

To take the survey, click here.

If you have any questions, please email one of the principal investigators for the study, Drs. Thomas Flotte (< and Lynn Cornell (<, Mayo Clinic Rochester. The privacy of participants will be protected.