ASCP and the American Pathology Foundation Continue Collaboration to Support Pathologists and Practice Managers

January 25, 2019

For many years, ASCP has collaborated with other organizations, including the American Pathology Foundation (APF), to bolster our educational offerings and expand our ability to have a positive impact on patient care.

Together, ASCP and APF have delivered pathology and laboratory management educational services to our members. Our partnership harnesses the strengths of both organizations, and provides ASCP members with access to the best resources, training and education in pathology and the business of laboratory management. This synergy also provides well-rounded leadership training for pathology residents to develop their career.

APF will hold its 2019 Coding & Practice Management Seminar on April 15-16 in New Orleans, and co-locate its Annual Meeting with the ASCP 2019 Annual Meeting, Sept. 11-13 in Phoenix, AZ. An independent, non-profit professional society devoted to the business and management of pathology, APF focuses on providing quality educational programs and practice management resources for its members.

To better reflect the unique dual membership of the Foundation, since 2018, the APF Board of Directors has been comprised of 50% pathologists and 50% non-physician laboratory medicine professionals with a board co-presidency currently assumed by Robert C. Babkowski, MD, MMM, FASCP, and John A. Baci, MBA, CPM. It’s an unprecedented move for a pathology organization to have a non-physician as a co-president. 

“APF’s entire existence is based upon the accumulated knowledge and abilities of BOTH physicians and non-physician leaders. We made our change at the top to reflect who we really are,” said APF Immediate Past President Gregory S. Henderson, MD, PhD, FASCP.

In addition to its new governance structure, APF has rededicated its mission to educating pathologists, CEOs, and managers on best laboratory medicine and pathology business practices. APF is already nationally recognized for that expertise through its bi-annual national meetings, the APF Pathology Service Coding Handbook and Laboratory Management University (LMU).

Dr. Babkowski is Chair of Pathology & Laboratory Medical Director at Stamford Health System, Stamford, CT. He is also president and founder of Stamford Pathology Group PC. Dr. Babkowski was elected to the APF Board of Directors in 2013. He serves as Chair of the CT delegation to the College of American Pathology and is a member of the Contractor Advisory Committee for National Government Services – Medicare/CMS administrator for New England, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

“I have dedicated myself to APF because I see its value in having future pathologists and lab leaders understand and master the business of pathology,” Dr. Babkowski said.

Mr. Baci is Executive Director of the Department of Anatomic Pathology at Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, and Chief Operating Officer of the Children’s Hospital Pathology Foundation, Inc. He is responsible for comprehensive hospital and practice plan administrative, financial, technical and facility management over all anatomic and research pathology divisions. He also oversees long and short-term strategic planning with the clinical vice-president, chairman and division medical directors and implementation of department and foundation initiatives. Since 2012, Mr. Baci has served on the APF Board of Directors, as well as the organization’s Membership and Program Committees. Mr. Baci is also Chair of Lab Management University.   

“For many years now, APF has been the organization exclusively dedicated to the practice management of pathology and has been invaluable in providing human resources, finance, billing, legal and strategic planning education and expertise to the pathology and laboratory communities,” he said.  

Membership in APF is open to pathologists and non-physician pathology practice managers, attorneys with healthcare expertise, and other professionals with interest and expertise in the business and management of laboratory medicine.