ASCP Declares Victory for Patients With Revised USPSTF Cervical Cancer Recommendation

August 21, 2018

The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released their final recommendations regarding cervical cancer screening this morning. At the time the draft recommendations were released by the USPSTF one year ago, ASCP quickly responded through its membership in the Cytopathology Education and Technology Consortium (CETC), a community of professional societies dedicated to excellence in cytopathology and cytotechnology. Significant concerns were raised regarding the draft, and in particular, the CETC did not support the proposed removal of co-testing as a screening option.

The ASCP is very pleased to announce the final USPSTF recommendations have retained co-testing at 5 years as one of 3 strategies with which to screen women aged 30 to 65 years.  

The ASCP wishes to thank its colleague pathology societies within the CETC, for this collaborative process allowed a timely, unified pathology voice to be heard by the USPSTF regarding the critically important topic of cervical cancer screening. We truly are “STRONGER TOGETHER.” Click here for the CETC statement.