ASCP 2018: Town Hall of Diagnostic Hematopathology (Lymphoma Cases): An Interactive Session

August 06, 2018

By Amy Chadburn, MD, FASCP, Adam Wood, DO, FASCP, and Sarah Rutherford, MD

In the upcoming ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting, the session, Challenging Cases in Hematopathology - Focus on Lymphoma, we will focus on diagnosis and the importance of a team approach (i.e., working with your clinical colleagues) to offer a personalized approach to the management of patients with lymphoma. 

This session is directed to individuals of all levels, as the type of cases will vary and include some that are more esoteric. For the more advanced attendee, thinking outside the box for the esoteric cases expands the differential diagnosis to include those “cases you don’t want to miss.”

For residents, however, this session an excellent opportunity to see the “team” approach to patient care and how pathology on all levels contributes to personalized medicine.  

The faculty will attempt to recapitulate not only the pathologic work-up of lymphoma cases, but also highlight the importance of the interactions with a hematologist-oncologist—in this course, Sarah Rutherford, MD, of the Weill-Cornell Lymphoma Group—in obtaining and communicating the most important information needed for accurate diagnosis and individualized patient care.

The clinical setting of the cases will be presented by Dr. Rutherford, followed by review of the routine sections by virtual microscopy (VMT) by Drs. Wood and Chadburn, allowing the participants to engage in “real-time” work-up of a case. The results of additional ancillary studies will be presented after which the clinical implications will be discussed. This is not just a didactic session, but incorporates a town hall meeting format where the participants will be encouraged to engage in discussion of the cases, both the pathology and clinical aspects.   

To learn about the ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting’s more than 250 hours of cutting edge education, click here.

Amy Chadburn, MD, FASCP, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, is a board-certified hematopathologist in New York City. Adam Wood, DO, FASCP, Senior Associate Consultant at Mayo Clinic, is a board-certified hematopathologist at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. They will co-present the session, with Sarah Rutherford, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, a board certified hematologist and medical oncologist, Challenging Cases in Hematopathology – Focus on Lymphoma, on Oct. 4 at 6:20 p.m. at the ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting, in Baltimore.