New FDA Blood Donor Eligibility Guidelines Receive ASCP, AABB Support

April 06, 2023

The Alliance for a Strong Blood Supply, which includes the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies, ASCP, and others concerned about blood supply issues, have co-authored a letter supporting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recently proposed donor eligibility guidelines that expand the potential blood donor base.The FDA’s new guidance recommends that blood donor eligibility be determined based on individual assessment, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. In its letter, the Alliance wrote, “We support FDA’s evidence-based decision to eliminate the current time-based blood donor deferral for men who have sex with men, while preserving the safety of blood as an essential medicine.” 

ASCP and others in the Alliance are committed to advancing the safety and availability of the blood supply, and we are dedicated to championing the importance of blood donation and being good stewards of the blood supply to ensure that patients have access to life-saving blood transfusions. The FDA’s draft guidance is a significant step toward ensuring that blood donor deferral policies do not unnecessarily exclude individuals who are able to donate blood safely.

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