ASCP Continues Advocacy Against the VALID Act

December 13, 2022

As Congress winds down the end of its current legislative session, ASCP is continuing its efforts to stop the Verifying Accurate Leading-edge IVCT Development Act, or VALID Act, from being signed into law. ASCP recently wrote legislative leaders urging Congress not to enact the measure. In addition, ASCP continues to urge members to email their Washington representatives, via a recent ASCP Action Alert, and urge them to oppose the bill. So far, ASCP members have sent more than 6,000 messages to Capitol Hill urging legislators to block it. We need more help to have an impact!

ASCP is concerned that if the measure becomes law, it could prevent hospital, academic medical center, and other laboratories from offering these important diagnostics. If you can spare 2-3 minutes, ASCP asks that you use our eAdvocacy Center to send a pre-drafted email urging Congress not to support the VALID Act. Click here.
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