ASCP’s 2021 40 Under Forty Program Accepting Nominations. Check Out These Tips for Applying!

March 04, 2021

Applications for ASCP’s 2021 40 Under Forty are now being accepted through April 16. Not sure what achievements to highlight on your application?

Consider the advice of Julie Papango, MLS(ASCP)CM, a 2019 40 Under Forty Top Five honoree: “Always highlight your uniqueness as a lab professional. This will create your own ‘brand’ to make your application stand out.”

For example, her 40 Under Forty application highlighted her experience as a humanitarian aid worker who has traveled to remote parts of the globe to set up labs, train local healthcare workers and create networks to strengthen local healthcare systems. 

“Not a lot of lab professionals are aware that we can be humanitarian aid workers and help underdeveloped countries,” she said. 

This year, ASCP is inviting anyone interested in applying to participate in a virtual panel discussion in early April to learn more about how to differentiate your application from the rest. Ms. Papango will be a panelist to offer tips and talk about her experience as an honoree. It’s really worth the effort, she emphasized. 

“Being a 40 Under Forty Top Five honoree opened new avenues for growth, I met people who might be potential mentors, and the experience created networks to share knowledge and experience with,” she said.

So here’s your chance! Apply now! Visit