COVID-19 Laboratory Supplies Added to Federal Hoarding Prohibitions

August 05, 2020

The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services added key laboratory supplies, such as reagents, pipettes, and test kits to the Federal Hoarding Prevention Prohibition, which was extended in a July 27 Federal Register Notice. President Trump established the prohibition on hoarding scarce medical and healthcare resources needed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic on March 23, as part of Executive Order 13910.

In the Federal Register Notice, Secretary Azar added, laboratory reagents and materials used for isolation of viral genetic material and testing, such as transport media, collection swabs, test kits and reagents specific to those kits, and consumables such as plastic pipette tips and plastic tubes.”  The broad language of the Hoarding Prohibition appears to cover supplies not specific to COVID-19 testing as well.

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