Spotlighting the Hispanic and Latinx Communities in
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Inclusive environments that respect the diverse communities in healthcare are essential to high-quality care. Not only do inclusive environments ensure patients are receiving the right care at the right time, they also help foster a diverse leadership base within pathology and laboratory medicine. In celebration of Hispanic and Latinx leaders in the laboratory in 2022, several of these leaders shared their insight and experiences, as well as how they are shaping the face of healthcare and giving back to the profession.



Jerry Santiago, PhD, HTL(ASCP)QIHC
Professor and histotechnology program director at Florida State College at Jacksonville, Jerry Santiago, PhD, HTL(ASCP)QIHC, discusses his thoughts on sharing his knowledge throughout his career.



Bryan Morales-Vargas, MD
Bryan Morales-Vargas, MD, a neuorpathology fellow at Emory University, grew up in Puerto Rico, and now, living in the U.S., appreciates the perspective he’s gained on his heritage. In this Q&A, he shares his thoughts on diversity in the laboratory and healthcare issues.


Carlos S. Moreno, PhD
Carlos S. Moreno, PhD, changed career paths from aerospace engineering to cancer research when a family member became ill. Dr. Moreno shares his thoughts on diversity in the laboratory, and his hopes for his professional legacy.



Jorge E. Novo, MD
For Jorge E. Novo, MD, his Mexican heritage means pride in his culture, obligation to his community, and duty to elevate himself and others. Here, Dr. Novo shares his insight on diversity in the laboratory and how the laboratory can be a partner in addressing inequities.