ASCP 2018: Head and Neck Cytopathology—An Anatomic Site with Broad Diagnostic Possibilities

July 06, 2018

By Zahra Maleki, MD, FASCP

Fine needle aspiration has gained a significant popularity in evaluation of head and neck lesions due to its minimal invasive nature, lack of scar, and possibility of repeating the procedure. Cytology evaluation of both solid and cystic mass lesions of the head and neck provides valuable information about the nature of the lesion.

Moreover, there is also an increase in demand by clinicians and surgeons to receive a definitive diagnosis in order to avoid any unnecessary aggressive procedures due to the risks associated with this anatomic site. Although the metastases are the most common mass lesions in head and neck, a wide variety of both benign and malignant neoplasms, including rare conditions, may arise primarily in head and neck.

In addition, the cytology findings of aspirated material can play an important role in management and treatment of the patients. Familiarity of cytopathologists and pathologists with these entities is critical in rendering an accurate diagnosis. My presentation, Diagnostic Challenges in Head and Neck Cytopathology, on Oct. 4 during the ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting, will review cytomorphology of head and neck mass lesions along with differential diagnosis.

To learn about the ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting’s more than 250 hours of cutting edge education, click here.

Zahra Maleki, MD, FASCP, is an associate professor of pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She will present the session, Diagnostic Challenges in Head and Neck Cytopathology, on Oct. 4 at 4 :40 p.m. during the ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting.